Vegetables are an important commodity of business both in developed and developing economies. Many studies point to accent of vegetables in our diet. Handbook of Vegetables and Vegetable Processing serves as a advertence handbook on vegetables and vegetable processing absolute the latest developments and advances in this fast growing field. The book can be advised as a accompaniment to Y. H. Hui’s accepted Handbook of Fruits and Fruit Processing (2006). Handbook of Vegetables and Vegetable Processing is abreast in scope, with all-embracing advantage of new interdisciplinary developments and practices in the acreage of vegetables emphasizing processing, preservation, packaging, and diet and aliment safety. Advantage includes capacity on the biology, agronomical biochemistry, microbiology, comestible and bioactive backdrop of vegetables and their cogent commercialization by the aliment industry worldwide. Full capacity are adherent to above vegetables anecdotic aspects alignment from allure to processing and preservation. World-renowned editors and authors accept contributed to this capital handbook on vegetables and their production, technology, storage, processing, packaging, assurance and bartering artefact development.
Special Features:
Coverage includes analysis and classification, physiology, biochemistry, acidity and acoustic properties, microbial assurance and HACCP principles, comestible and bioactive properties
In-depth descriptions of key processes including, basal processing, freezing, pasteurization and antibacterial processing, fermentation, drying, packaging, and appliance of new technologies
Entire capacity adherent to important aspects of over 20 above bartering vegetables including avocado, table olives and textured vegetable proteins
Unparalleled ability on important capacity from added than 50 admired authors
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