MicrosoftВ® Dynamics CRM 2011 Unleashed presents start-to-finish advice for planning, customizing, deploying, integrating, managing, and accepting the newest adaptation of Dynamics CRM. Authored by three arch Microsoft Dynamics implementers, it illuminates new opportunities to arrange CRM as a hosted account (SaaS), accommodate with Azure billow services, and extend CRM through Microsoft's new online account marketplace. The authors systematically explain how Dynamics CRM 2011 works, anecdotic why it works that way, and how to drive best business amount from it. Drawing on cabal ability of Microsoft's new product, they present bright examples, accurate best practices, and pitfalls to abstain in application every cogent Dynamics CRM capability. Their all-encompassing advantage ranges from Dynamics CRM's sales, marketing, and chump account appearance to its automatic workflows; Outlook and Office affiliation to advertisement and security. This edition's all-encompassing new advantage includes new capacity on Mobility, the Outlook Client, and Office 2010 integration, as able-bodied as abundantly broadcast advantage of CRM Online. It aswell contains new or broadcast discussions of abstracts visualization, SharePoint Foundation integration, user interface changes, inbuild charts, dashboards, IM and SMS advice support, auditing, no-code workflows, connections, queues, the new WCF-based programming model, UI scripting, and security.
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