professions students a complete, clinically oriented introduction to neuroanatomy. Each chapter begins with clear objectives, includes
cases, and ends with clinical notes, clinical problem-solving, and review questions. Hundreds of full-color illustrations, diagnostic images, and color photographs enhance the text. This Seventh Edition features new information relating the different parts of the skull to the brain areas, expanded coverage of brain development and neuroplasticity, and updated information on
research. A companion Website includes the fully searchable text and 454 USMLE-style review questions with answers and explanations.
Free Here
Physiology’s classic text continues to uphold its rich tradition-presenting key physiology concepts in a remarkably clear and engaging manner. Guyton & Hall’s
Textbook of Medical Physiology covers all of the major systems in the human body, while emphasizing system interaction, homeostasis, and pathophysiology. This very readable, easy-to-follow, and thoroughly updated, 11th Edition features a new full-color layout, short chapters, clinical vignettes, and shaded summary tables that allow for easy comprehension of the material.
The smart way to study!
Elsevier titles with STUDENT CONSULT will help you master difficult concepts and study more efficiently in
print and online! Perform rapid searches. Integrate bonus content from other disciplines.
Download text to your handheld device. And a lot more. Each STUDENT CONSULT title comes with full text online, a unique image library, case studies,
USMLE style questions, and online note-taking to enhance your learning experience.
- Presents short, easy-to-read chapters in keeping with the Guyton and Hall tradition.
- Provides shaded summary tables for easy reference.
- Includes clinical vignettes, which allow readers to see core concepts applied to real-life situations.
- Offers specific discussions of pathophysiology in most clinical areas of medicine.
- Ensures a strong grasp of physiology concepts through well-illustrated discussions of the most essential principles.
- Now in full color!
- Offers access to the full text and other valuable features online via the STUDENT CONSULT website.
- Uses full-color illustrations throughout, including 486 figures, 277 charts and graphs, 100 brand-new line drawings, and 36 ECGs.
- Features a new full-color design that makes information more engaging and even easier to read.
- Updated throughout to reflect the latest knowledge in the field.
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Susan M. Barman
(Author), Kim E. Barrett
(Author), Scott Boitano
(Author), Heddwen Brooks
The field's most complete, up-to-date , and engagingly-written text on medical physiology -- now in full color
"This 23rd edition is an excellent source of the current knowledge in physiology. Significant pedagogical advances have been made while preserving the integrity of Dr. Ganong's work....They have done an excellent job of updating this classic, and the tradition continues. So many students in the future will be able to use this book to enhance their knowledge."--Doody's Review Service
For more than four decades, Ganong's Review of Medical Physiology has been the leader in helping medical students and clinicians understand the fascinating subject of human and mammalian physiology. Concisely covering every important topic without sacrificing depth or readability, Ganong's delivers more detailed, clinically-relevant, high-yield information per page than any similar text or review.
Thoroughly updated to reflect the latest research and developments in important areas such as the cellular basis of neurophysiology, Ganong's Review of Medical Physiology incorporates examples from clinical medicine throughout the chapters to illustrate important physiologic concepts. Whether you're a student who needs an outstanding review for the USMLE or a physician who wants to keep pace with the ever-changing field of medical physiology, there's no better place to turn than Ganong's Review of Medical Physiology.
- Format: Kindle Edition
- File Size: 21876 KB
- Print Length: 726 pages
- Simultaneous Device Usage: Up to 4 simultaneous devices, per publisher limits
- Publisher: McGraw-Hill Medical; 23 edition (August 28, 2009)
- Sold by: Amazon Digital Services
- Language: English
- ASIN: B002FOT532
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Product DescriptionHarper’s Illustrated Biochemistry offers concise, up-to-date, and authoritative coverage of the principles of biochemistry and molecular biology as they relate to medicine.
Revised for clarity, with new streamlined organization, new figures, and new online image collection
Reflects major advances in biochemistry that are important to medicine
Includes new chapters on amino acids and peptides, primary structure of proteins, and the Human Genome Project.
Presents new and expanded coverage of the mechanisms of action of enzymes, receptors involved in lipoprotein metabolism and reverse cholesterol transport, RNA synthesis, gene regulation, molecular mechanisms of hormone action, protein life cycle, and pharmacogenomics
Provides clinical correlations and chapter summaries
Features more than 500 clear, descriptive illustration
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Pdf Form
Chm Form updated for its Fourth Edition, Lippincott’s Illustrated Reviews: Biochemistry enables students to quickly review, assimilate, and integrate large amounts of complex information by utilizing powerful visual resources that deliver the focus and clarification needed for mastery of difficult
biochemical concepts. Its signature outline format, full-color illustrations, and end-of-chapter summaries and USMLE-style review
questions make it one of the most user-friendly books in the field.
New features include boxed, high-yield facts throughout each chapter and
expanded coverage of
molecular biology.
A companion Website features fully
searchable online text and additional USMLE-style questions for students and an
Image Bank for faculty.
Download Here
The landmark clinical guide to the role microorganisms play in human health and illnesses -extensively revised and updatedLinking fundamental microbiology concepts with the diagnosis and treatment of clinical infections, this one-of-a-kind, portable text delivers an essential overview of the organisms and agents involved in clinical microbiology. In addition to brief descriptions of the organisms, you’ll find vital perspectives on pathogenesis, diagnostic laboratory tests, clinical findings, treatment, and epidemiology. The book’s purpose is to introduce basic clinical microbiology through the fields of bacteriology, virology, mycology, and parasitology giving you a far-reaching, yet accessible review of the discipline that you can’t find anywhere else. Supporting this acclaimed coverage are more than 300 informative illustrations and tables, each designed to clarify and drive home important chapter concepts.
New to this Edition:
- Updates to critical topics throughout, particularly in the areas of hepatitis viruses, the HIV virus, and bacterial virulence factors
- Refreshed USMLE questions
- Revised list of microorganisms and viruses featured on the inside of the book’s covers
Download HereNow in full color, Lippincott’s Illustrated Reviews:
Microbiology, Second Edition enables rapid review and
assimilation of large
amounts of complex information about medical microbiology. The book has the hallmark
features for which Lippincott’s Illustrated Reviews volumes are so popular: an outline format, 450 full-color illustrations, end-of-chapter summaries, review questions, plus an entire
section of clinical case studies with full-color illustrations.
This edition’s medical/clinical focus has been sharpened to provide a high-yield review. Five additional case studies have been included, bringing the total to nineteen. Review questions have been reformatted to comply with USMLE Step 1 style, with clinical vignettes.
Download here Katzung & Trevor's Pharmacology Examination and Board Review, Ninth Edition (McGraw-Hill Specialty Board Review) - 2010 Edition
The most trusted and efficient pharmacology review – complete with 1000+ Q&As — and now in full color5 STAR DOODY’S REVIEW!“The authors have designed this book to foster the mastery of pharmacology for students who have to pass course,
module, or certification
examinations….This is one of the best
review books in pharmacology. The
latest version is far superior, both in content and presentation, to previous versions. I give it my highest recommendation.”–Doody’s Review Service
From the authors of Basic and Clinical Pharmacology, the leading pharmacology textbook, here is the newest edition of the best review book available for medical pharmacology course exams and board examinations. This
skill-building guide comes with over 1000 review questions and answers –- far more than most other pharmacology reviews –- and a chapter-based approach that facilitates use with course notes or larger texts.
Features:* A new full-color presentation
* Organized to reflect course syllabi, focusing on the clinical use and pharmacology of drug categories, rather than individual drugs
* Two complete practice exams
* A valuable appendix of test-taking strategies
* Chapters that include valuable learning aids such as:
–Short discussion of the major concepts that underlie basic principles or drug groups
–Explanatory figures and tables
–Review questions followed by answers and explanations
–Drug Trees in drug-oriented chapters that visually
organize drug groups
–A list of high-yield terms and definitions you need to know
* Skill Keeper questions that prompt you to review previous material to understand links between related topics
* A
checklist of tasks you should be able to do, once you have finished the chapter
* Summary Tables that list the important drugs and include key information about their mechanisms of action, effects, clinical uses, pharmacokinetics,
drug interactions, and toxicities’s Illustrated Reviews:
Fourth Edition enables rapid review and assimilation of large amounts of complex information about the essentials
of medical pharmacology. Clear, sequential pictures of
mechanisms of action actually show students how drugs work, instead of just telling them. As in previous editions, the book features an outline format, over 500 full-color illustrations, cross-references to other volumes in the series, and over 125 review questions. Content has been thoroughly updated, and a
new chapter covers toxicology. New to this edition will be a
companion Website containing all of the illustrations, fully searchable text, and an interactive question bank. NOTE: International Edition available for sales outside North America and Caribbean.
Free Here Davidson's Principles and Practice of Medicine - 21st Edition - March 2010 Edition
More than two million medical students, doctors and other health professionals from around the globe have owned a copy of Davidson’s Principles and Practice of Medicine. Today’s readers rely on Davidson’s to provide up-to-date detail of contemporary medical practice, presented in a style that is concise, beautifully illustrated and easy to read. Davidson’s not only provides all of the factual knowledge required to practice medicine, but also explains it in the context of underlying principles, basic science and
research evidence, and shows the reader how
to apply their knowledge to manage patients who present with problems rather than specific diseases.
* The underlying principles of medicine are described concisely in the first part of the book, and the detailed practice of medicine within each sub-specialty is described in later system-based chapters.
* Each system-based chapter begins with an overview of the key elements in the clinical
examination* ‘Sections on ‘Presenting Problems’ explain the approach to patients presenting with the most common complaints in each sub-specialty.
* Over 150 ‘Evidence Based Medicine’ boxes highlight the conclusions from major
clinical trials.
* Horizontal themes, such as ageing and
pregnancy, are highlighted throughout.
* The text uses both SI and non-SI units to make it suitable for readers throughout the globe.
* The text is beautifully and extensively illustrated, with over 1000 illustrations, clinical photographs and imaging
* A new editorial team leads this edition with Dr Nicki College and Professor Brian Walker joined by Professor Stuart Ralston,
Head of the School of Molecular and Clinical Medicine at the University of
* A substantial group of new contributors bring new experience and ideas to the content and presentation of the textbook.
* New ‘Practice Point’ summaries detail the practical skills that medical students and junior doctors must acquire, from nasogastric tube insertion to the interpretation of ECGs and arterial
blood gases.
* New ‘In pregnancy’ boxes examine the main issues to consider when the patient is a pregnant woman.
* New ‘Emergency Boxes’ are highlighted to emphasise the core knowledge needed to manage acutely ill patients.
* The global perspective has been enhanced with the assistance of the International Advisory
Board and authors recruited from around the globe.
Download Here Oxford Handbook of Clinical Medicine
No other book has
entered the hearts, minds and pockets of so many doctors and medical students the world over. Now in its 7th edition, the main
features and
essence of the original edition remain unchanged. Developed over 21 years, the Handbook encompasses the experience, knowledge and wisdom of more than 10
different authors. With its characteristic combination of incisive guidance, wit, a lucid style, and memorable epigrams, it continues to be the leading
pocket reference of clinical medicine.
The 7th edition is fully equipped for the modern doctor with a brand
new design with integrated full-colour
pictures on common problems such as rashes,scars and
jaundice. There is a new chapter on radiology, new information on consent and how to handle common calls, and greater coverage of medications and doses, clinical skills and surgery.
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Oxford Handbook of Clinical Medicine
Bailey and Love's Short Practice of Surgery 25th Edition
Bailey & Love’s Short Practice of Surgery remains one of the world’s pre-eminent medical
textbooks, beloved by generations of surgeons, with
lifetime sales
in excess of one million copies.
Now in its 25th edition, the content has been thoroughly
revised and updated while retaining its traditional strengths. Under the stewardship of the eminent editorial team, comprising two editors with experience gained over previous editions and a third editor new to this edition, and in response to reader feedback, the content has been sub-divided into parts to ensure a logical sequence and grouping of related
chapters throughout while the text features enthusiastically received in the last edition have been retained. The
new edition opens with sections devoted to the underlying principles of surgical practice, investigation and diagnosis, and pre-operative care. These are followed by chapters covering all aspects of surgical trauma. The remainder of
the book considers each of the
surgical specialties in turn, from elective orthopaedics through skin, head and neck, breast and endocrine, cardiothoracic and vascular, to abdominal and genitourinary.
Download Here And Loves.pdfFarquharson's Textbook of Operative General Surgery
First published in 1954, Farquharson’s
Textbook of Operative Surgery is a textbook that has helped to train generations of surgeons around the world in general operative procedures. This
new edition continues this
tradition, presenting all the operations that the
trainee surgeon may be expected to undertake, and discussing the basic techniques available and the reasons for their
application. Techniques and options are
described in sufficient detail to allow any surgeon who has limited experience of a particular
procedure to proceed with confidence and safety. The text is thus also valuable for qualified surgeons practicing in smaller hospitals worldwide where specialized advice may not otherwise be available. This ninth edition has been fully updated, with many chapters entirely rewritten. New contributing authors bring their particular experience in sub-specialties such as vascular medicine, orthopaedics and trauma, all of which overlap with the work of the
general surgeon. Farquharson’s Textbook of Operative
General Surgery remains an unrivalled aid to training in operative surgical procedures, and an invaluable ready reference for the more experienced surgeon working in a variety of settings and locations.
Download Here’s textbook of operative.pdfMacleod's Clinical Examination: 12th Edition
The 12th Edition of this famous medical textbook, which was ‘Highly Commended’ in the 2006 British Medical Association
Medical Book Competition, builds on the extensively rewritten previous edition. Over 500 clinical photographs and diagrams now illustrate the text, whilst new topics have been added to make the book even more comprehensive. A complementary DVD now accompanies the book, with specially-recorded videos demonstrating many of the clinical examination routines as they are described in the main text. The book is written by a team of editors and contributors who are all active clinicians and experts in their specialist fields, including in general practice where much of clinical teaching is now based. It describes the practical skills which every clinician must acquire and develop in order to evolve diagnostic procedures and management strategies and plans.
* This text provides a clear description of the fundamental skills of patient evaluation and examination, answering the cunning questions which arise from this.
* Starts with a general overview section on history taking and the general examination that provide the framework on which to hang the detail.
* The systematic examination section documents clearly the relevant history, examination and special investigations as well as giving advice on their significance.
* The final section covers specialised areas and emphasises an integrated and structured approach to these patients.
* Closely linked to its sister publication, Davidson’s Principles & Practice of Medicine, which complements the information in this text.
* Available with full online access on Student Consult and with a DVD of specially-recorded videos demonstrating key clinical examination routines following the format laid out in the book.
* The complementary DVD contains over two hours of specially-recorded videos demonstrating many clinical examination routines following the outline described in the main text.
* A new introductory chapter emphasises the important principles in beginning a patient examination.
* Two new chapters focus more precisely on the Skin and the Endocrine System, areas previously covered in the more general examination sections of the book.
* A new chapter on the Examination of the Eye, previously incorporated into the examination of the neurological system.
* Two new chapters focus on specific situations:.
- Pre-operative Assessment looks at the examination required of a patient prior to sedation and anaesthesia.
- Examination to confirm death.
* The book now includes over 50 clinical examples in OSCE format, as used in final MB and MRCP (UK) PACES examinations, to help with revision
Free Download Here
Talley & O'Connor - Clinical Examination 5th Edition

By Nicholas J. Talley and Simon O'Connor
Churchill Livingstone | 5th edition| English | .CHM | 36.9mb
The 5th edition of Clinical Examination continues to serve all medical students with a clear and understandable explanation of clinical examination. Set out logically and systematically, this best-selling textbook has comprehensive coverage of essential skills necessary for history taking and examining the patient. Highly regarded by students world-wide, this text continues to grow in strength. Clinical Examination, 5th edition has been revised and updated to include: more evidence-based medicine; new full-color artwork; and a fresh new look allowing greater accessibility for readers. The new edition covers clinical examination and concepts in a systems approach in a clear, consistent and user-friendly approach. Readers using this edition of Clinical Examination will have access to Here you will receive full online access to the text and numerous interactive extras such as video clips demonstrating some of the more difficult examinations & MCQ's. Written by two internationally renowned authors, Clinical Examination, 5th edition will continue to provide students with a superb reference for performing clinical methods.