Hurt's Heart
Hurst’s – The Heart – 12th Edition.chm
Valentin Fuster, Richard A. Walsh, Robert A. O’Rourke, Philip Poole-Wilson
It is 41 years since The Heart was published as the first multidisciplinary and comprehensive textbook on cardiovascular disease. This 12th edition of Hurst’s The Heart with 115 chapters written by preeminent and dedicated experts in each of the specialized areas has innovative features that separate it from prior editions.
The 12th edition includes authorship by many physicians from Europe, enabling multiple experts from several institutions and different countries to collaborate, thus providing a worldwide perspective on treatment of diseases such as hypertrophic obstructive cardiomyopathy, dilated cardiomyopathies, systemic hypertension, acute rheumatic fever, and neoplastic heart disease.
The previous chapter on hypertension has been divided into three more detailed chapters concerning epidemiology, pathophysiology, and diagnosis and treatment.
Chapters concerned with the human genome, cardiovascular practice guidelines, and evolving imaging technology for assessing coronary and non-coronary atherosclerotic disease and plaque characterization have been extensively revised. The most recent advances in pathophysiology and treatment for pulmonary hypertension and for the management of heart failure have been incorporated, and major advances including controversies in interventional cardiology are detailed.
Additional revised chapters focus on the diseases of the aorta, cardiovascular drug interactions, and surgical and non-surgical approaches to carotid arterial disease and peripheral vascular disease. In the chapter on treatment of cardiac arrhythmias, cardiovascular drug interactions have been updated to include the antiplatelet drugs, the statins, angiotensin 2 receptor blockers, and the new antianginal drug ranolazine. Chapter 105, Diseases of the Aorta, has been expanded and updated to include the medical treatment of acute aortic syndromes, and the chapter on cardiocerebral and cardiopulmonary resuscitation details the AHA modified approach to CPR.
The ACC/AHA Clinical Practice Guidelines and other alternative guidelines (such as those of the European Society of Cardiology) are more clearly elucidated in this edition than previously and are related to a specific chapter (Chapter 11) introducing this topic and defining several different classification systems.
The 12th edition of Hurst’s The Heart includes appropriate classic and recent references, many updated just prior to publication with some still in press at the time of publication.
The editors and associate editors are grateful to the excellent group of authors who participated in the 12th edition of Hurst’s The Heart for their extraordinary and timely contribution. The quick turnaround time12 for a textbook of this size and complexity is a tribute to the hard work and dedication of our authors.