The field of drug therapy is a rapidly changing and somewhat bewildering area to study. In
developing and writing this textbook, we consulted the most up-to-date sources for information
on new drug therapies. No textbook can be complete, especially when it covers an area as vast as
the field of ocular pharmacology and therapeutics. Nonetheless, we have made a conscientious
effort to cover the most important and commonly used medications in a format that is easy to
read. We hope that this textbook will serve you well as a reference in reviewing different classes
of drugs, their dosages, therapeutic uses, and potential side effects. As no textbook can ever be
complete and immediately up-to-date, we encourage you to supplement this text with the latest
volume of the Physician's Desk Reference, especially the supplements on ophthalmology and
nonprescription drugs, published by Thomson Healthcare, Montvale, NJ.
We feel that our collaborative efforts representing the fields of optometry and ophthalmology
bring to this book 2 important and complementary points of view in the pharmacological treatment
of eye diseases. We hope that you find this a valuable resource and will consult it frequently.
Brian S. Duvall, OD
Consultative Optometry
Robert M. Kershner, MD, MS, FACS
Ophthalmic Surgeon